Friday, January 28, 2011

Reflection on Assignment, Class Exercise & notes on DBMS


What is databse?

A database is a system intended to organize, store, and retrieve large amounts of data easily. It consists of an organized collection of data for one or more uses, typically in digital form. One way of classifying databases involves the type of their contents, for example: bibliographic, document-text, statistical. Digital databases are managed using database management systems, which store database contents, allowing data creation and maintenance, and search and other access.

Mircosoft Access 2007

Files in your database

One of the best new features is the Attachment data type, which permits you to embed entire files in your database. It's a great way to store pictures, documents and other files alongside a related record. However, databases are limited to 2GB so you can forget about using Access to store movies, music and other hefty files.

An attachment field can hold as many files as you want, so it can be used as an all-purpose container for extra bits of information. If you have a table of employees, you could associate a photo, CV or other items.

Simplified security

Great databases use code, and code can do bad things. Previous versions of Access handled buggy code by popping up a stream of warning messages that users had to click through every time they opened a database.

Access 2007 uses a simpler approach. When you open a database, the program quietly disables all potentially unsafe macro actions and code. A slim security message then appears at the top of the window, informing you that your database has been restricted. You can switch your code back on with a couple of clicks or place your database in a folder designated as a trusted location. After this you won't see an unnecessary security warning again.

Forms and reports

Designing data-entry forms and reports in Access can be a bit tedious. To get the exact arrangement of information you want, you have to drag each piece of information to the right place individually. Access 2007 improves this situation dramatically with a feature called layouts, which keeps information together in neat columns or tables.

Layouts are a dream to work with because Access includes a new Wysiwyg (what you see is what you get) form and report designer. Using these tools, you can apply formatting and see the results immediately - something previous versions of Access were crying out for.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Role of Libraries and Librarians

Discuss the role of libraries and librarians in managing digital information.
Due Date : 21 January 2011

The information atmosphere around the world is changing every minute and growing at a tremendous speed due to the emergence of the web based Information and Communication Technology (ICT), globalization of network and internet. These new environment will affect the librarians and information professionals as well as the function of the libraries itself. The new information technology and telecommunication networks are companied by a corresponding increase in knowledge with a rapid growing flow of information. The new information environment requires new skills in seeking, processing and using of the information. Learning and education are important topics in the information society the education situation is changing for several reasons.

The ‘open’ revolution :

· Open source

· Open standard

· Open archives

· Open text

· Open linking

· Open design

· Open access

· Open research

· Open reference

· Open aggregation

· Open storage

· Open source

· Open content

These ‘open’ revolutionary, change the role of the libraries and the learning institutions. The emergence of the e-publishing and born-digital material, visibility of the network support of teaching, learning and research in additional of the new models of scholarship systems. Those scenarios may lead to the reduction of digital divide. The role of librarian and information professionals in this new environment has been strongly influence by these changes